Make your Blog PINable - 5 Strategies to Get Your Content Shared on Pinterest [UPDATED 2023]

HH Squarespace Blog Post 23

Personally, I’ve used Pinterest since I was a kid (not joking!). As a person with meticulous eyes with visually appealing content, I find Pinterest the perfect place to look for inspiration in every project that I make. Literally, everything is on Pinterest. The good news is that you can also share your content on Pinterest, yay! 

The first thing that Pinterest will contribute to your website is traffic. The only traffic we need in our life! And not only that, there are literally countless things Pinterest can help your website.

This powerful platform can significantly boost your website's traffic and engagement. Let's explore how you can enable Pinterest pop-up buttons and implement effective strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

Previously, I talked about the importance of adding a social share button and how to add one. You can check this blogpost (shameless plug!!) Custom Social Share Button on Squarespace - How to Improve your Website’s Marketing”. You can also download below our 20-step guide, packed in a compact pdf you can bring anywhere. Our Squarespace Launch Checklist beats everything! 


  1. Introduction

  2. Enabling the Pinterest pop-up buttons

  3. The Five Strategies


  5. Conclusion

On a typical day, as we walk by in the streets, we see various posters everywhere, advertising their company or brand. Personally, the one that catches me the most are the fast-food chains posters; the look of that juicy hamburger makes me crave it. I’ll definitely invite my friend to eat somewhere. That’s the power of a visually appealing poster. 

Now, because a pandemic happened, we need to utilize everything within our sights (even though it’s not a pandemic, it’s still valid). It’s an excellent time to establish your brand on social media, particularly Pinterest. Think of your blog post contents as your digital posters; the difference is that more people can see it globally, and they can share it too. 

Enabling the Pinterest pop-up buttons

Pinterest pop-up buttons can make sharing your content on this visual platform a breeze. Here's how you can enable them on your Squarespace website:

But first, I’ll spoil you how to enable your Pinterest pop-up buttons.

  1. Go to Your Home Menu: Begin by navigating to your Squarespace dashboard and accessing the Home Menu.

  2. Access the Marketing Section: Click on the Marketing option to explore the marketing settings for your website.

  3. Select Pinterest Save Buttons: Within the Marketing section, locate and select Pinterest Save Buttons. This is where you can configure your Pinterest sharing options.

  4. Choose Your Settings: You'll have two options to consider. You can either enable Pinterest buttons for your blog posts only by selecting "Enabled for Blogs" or extend the feature to blogs, pages, and products by choosing "Enabled for Blogs, Pages, and Products."

    • Enabled for Blogs: If you choose this option, the Pinterest button will appear on Image Blocks and Gallery Blocks in your blog posts. However, it won't appear on thumbnail images.

    • Enabled for Blogs, Pages, and Products: Selecting this option will make the Pinterest button available on Image Blocks, Gallery Blocks, and Product Page images.

  5. Customize the Button: You can further customize the appearance of the Pinterest button by choosing its size and shape.

    Navigate to the drop-down menus:

    • In size, you can select small or large. 

    • In shape, you can choose a rectangle or circle. 

    • Don’t forget to save your changes!

Now that you've successfully enabled Pinterest pop-up buttons let's delve into strategies that will make your content not only shareable but also engaging and effective on Pinterest.


Now that you know how to enable and customize your Pinterest buttons, let’s talk about making sure your content is PINable. 

5 Strategies to Get Your Content Shared on Pinterest


As I’m talking earlier about the mouth-watering fast-food chain posters. They immediately made me crave their products. Similarly, this is how it works on Pinterest. Personally, Pinterest is the most aesthetic application for me. Did you know that 85% of pinners prefer visual appearance over text information? But of course, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take your content seriously. You need to be extra in every way! 

Pinterest is all about aesthetics, so making your pins visually appealing is paramount. Consider the following tips:

  • Vertical Layouts: Since most Pinterest users access the platform on mobile devices, opt for vertical pins. They take up more screen space and are more likely to catch the eye.

  • Compelling Imagery: Use high-quality, eye-catching images that resonate with your target audience. Whether it's stunning photography, vibrant graphics, or well-designed infographics, make sure your visuals are top-notch.

  • Engaging Headlines: Craft attention-grabbing headlines that not only describe your content but also pique curiosity. Your headline should offer a sneak peek into what pinners can expect when they click through.

  • Branding: Consistency is key. Incorporate your branding elements, such as your logo or website URL, into your pins. This not only reinforces your brand identity but also helps with recognition.

  • Rich Pins: Consider using rich pins, which display additional information directly on the pin. Depending on your content, you can choose from various rich pin types like product pins, recipe pins, and article pins.

Want to know more about branding? In the blog post 3 things to put in your website footer - and 3 things to remove” I talked about the importance of branding. You can also download our free Squarespace Launch Checklist that will serve you a hassle-free website building. Yay!


Since Pinterest is known globally, it never runs out of visitors. So I highly suggest that you pin every day for your audience to recognize your brand more. Luckily, you can schedule your pins on Pinterest.

To maintain a strong presence on Pinterest, consistency is vital. Here's how to stay on top of your pinning game:

  • Create a Pinning Schedule: Plan your pinning schedule in advance. Decide how many pins you want to share each day and stick to it. Consistency helps keep your audience engaged and informed.

  • Use Scheduling Tools: Utilize scheduling tools like Buffer or Tailwind to automate your pinning. These tools allow you to plan pins weeks or even months in advance, saving you time and ensuring a steady flow of content.

  • Pin at Optimal Times: Pay attention to when your target audience is most active on Pinterest. Pinning during peak times can maximize your content's visibility.

  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your pinning strategy. Analyze which pins are performing well and which ones aren't. Adjust your schedule and content strategy accordingly to improve engagement.


Pinterest is essentially a search engine for visuals, so optimizing your content for search is crucial:

  • Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords for your niche. Use tools like Pinterest's own keyword tool, Google's Keyword Planner, or third-party tools to find high-ranking keywords in your industry.

  • Keyword Placement: Incorporate these keywords naturally into your pin descriptions, board names, and pin titles. Ensure that your descriptions are informative and engaging, not just stuffed with keywords.

  • Pin Descriptions: Write detailed pin descriptions that provide context and value. Explain what the pin is about and how it benefits the pinner. Encourage users to take action.

  • Board Organization: Organize your boards logically and use keyword-rich board names and descriptions. This will help your boards appear in search results when pinners look for specific topics.


For e-commerce websites, the good news is that Pinterest launched a Shop tab that offers a valuable opportunity to showcase your products and drive sales:

  • Product Listings: Ensure your products are well-represented on Pinterest. Use high-quality images, clear descriptions, and competitive pricing to entice potential buyers.

  • Shop the Look: Leverage Pinterest's "Shop the Look" feature, which allows you to tag multiple products within a single pin. This provides an interactive shopping experience.

  • Hashtags: Incorporate relevant hashtags into your product pins. This makes it easier for users interested in specific products or categories to discover your content.

  • Product Pins: Utilize product pins, which provide real-time pricing and availability information. These pins can lead users directly to your website for purchase.


Successful Pinterest marketing also involves being prepared for seasonal trends and events. Whether it's the holiday season, Valentine's Day, or birthdays, planning your content ahead of time can help you tap into these trends effectively. Being an early bird can give your website a significant boost during these periods.

Here's how to prepare:

  • Content Calendar: Create a content calendar that outlines key dates, holidays, and events relevant to your niche. Plan your content in advance to align with these occasions.

  • Early Promotion: Be an early bird. Start promoting seasonal content well in advance to capture the attention of users who like to plan ahead. This is especially effective for holiday-related content.

  • Tailored Content: Customize your pins and boards to fit the theme or occasion. Use seasonal imagery, colors, and messaging to resonate with the festive spirit.

  • Engagement Campaigns: Launch engagement campaigns that encourage users to share their own seasonal content related to your niche. Contests, giveaways, and user-generated content can create buzz.

  • To enable Pinterest pop-up buttons, go to your Home Menu, click on Marketing, and select Pinterest Save Buttons. Choose the option that suits your needs and customize the button's appearance.

  • Visual content is crucial on Pinterest because 85% of users prefer visuals over text. It's essential to create eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing pins to attract and engage your audience.

  • To optimize your content for Pinterest SEO, focus on using relevant keywords in your descriptions, board names, and pin titles. This will improve the discoverability of your content.

  • The Pinterest Shop tab allows users to shop directly from your profile, making it convenient for potential customers. Using hashtags can further help attract interested shoppers.

  • Planning seasonal content in advance allows you to tap into holiday or event-related trends and engage with your audience when their interest is at its peak, giving your website a boost in traffic and engagement.


In conclusion, Pinterest can be your secret weapon for reaching a broader audience and driving more traffic to your website. With the power of visually appealing content, consistent pinning, SEO optimization, and strategic planning, your website's marketing efforts can soar to new heights.

Start today, and watch as Pinterest becomes your best friend in the journey to reach a more extensive and engaged audience. Happy pinning!

Ta-da! I hope you learned a lot from this blog post. Pinterest will really become your best friend in reaching more audiences globally. 


Bonus content!

Congratulations on reaching until here; for that, I’ll give you my personal tip in reaching more audience

I believe the best thing to touch other people’s hearts is to make content that delivers a powerful story. For example, in times like this, women are now heard (yes! Smash the patriarchy!). Women empowerment content is really relevant. Social media is a great platform to voice your own advocacies. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. With each click we take, we need to be careful not to degrade other people. And that’s all, rock that content! 


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